ACTION ALERT: Steelhead Mean Business!

ACT NOW: Help seize a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to protect steelhead from extinction, keep people fishing, and invest in our Northwest communities and economy!
Not long ago, more than a million wild steelhead would flood into the Snake and Columbia rivers to spawn before returning to the Pacific Ocean to do it all over again. Not anymore. Scientists are predicting this year’s return of wild Snake River steelhead will be among the lowest ever recorded. As a result of these devastating returns, fishing seasons are being curtailed and closed across the Snake and Columbia River Basin. Hundreds of businesses in scores of communities are paying the price.

Time is running out and we need urgent action – before steelhead, our livelihoods and our traditions go extinct forever.
Fortunately, earlier this year, Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson proposed a plan to invest big in the Northwest — to protect, restore and reconnect endangered fish populations and their habitats and to support agriculture, transportation, clean energy, and new, local jobs at the same time. His groundbreaking proposal has launched a conversation about collaborative, regional solutions to restore the lower Snake River and its fish and invest billions of dollars into jobs, communities, and infrastructure.

TAKE ACTION: Now we need other public officials in the Northwest to step up as well.
Call and write your U.S. senators – in Washington State, Oregon, and Idaho.
Tell them we need bold, urgent leadership to protect Snake and Columbia river steelhead and salmon populations from extinction – and the businesses, communities, and ways of life they support.

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